The Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (INEGI) at the University of Porto is an industry-oriented Research and Technology Organisation. It works across three areas of different technology readiness levels: (i) research with a special focus on applied research; (ii) innovation and technology transfer; and (iii) consulting and advanced engineering services embryo.
INEGI’s research activity covers the areas of new technologies for advanced production processes, experimental mechanics, applied mechanics, energy, new materials, advanced health technologies, and the development of new products and systems. The research activity is part of the national network of research funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and has consistently been evaluated as excellent. INEGI is committed to transforming R&D investment into economic and social value with more than half of its total turnover coming from R&D and innovation projects funded by industry. INEGI’s research infrastructure includes a broad set of well-equipped laboratories and an extensive engineering tools base for supporting its R&D activity as well as the production of industrial or commercial prototypes.
As the coordinator of EMB3Rs, INEGI will liaise between the consortium and the European Commission. Moreover, INEGI will support the development of the EMB3Rs excess thermal energy-matching tool at several stages of the project. It will be particularly involved in diagnosing and providing data related to excess heat recovery potential and the direction integration of renewable energy technologies in industry. This will support the overall EMB3Rs tool development and modelling of multiple case studies. INEGI will be the main research institution for the case studies focusing on cement production (CIMPOR), on the residential & commercial DHC network in Lisbon (Climaespaço) and the implementation of the Super-User mode with ADENE.
The Royal Institute of Technology (Swedish: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan) is responsible for one third of Sweden’s capacity for technical research. Research at KTH is organised in five platforms encompassing Energy, Information and Communication Technology, Materials, Transport and Life Science Technology. KTH is a lead partner in three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), and involved in 151 ongoing H2020 projects.
Within EMB3Rs project KTH will participate in
- WP1 “Project Coordination & Risk Management”
- WP2 “Software Architecture and Model Interdependencies”: Besides contributing to several tasks, KTH will lead the revision and selection of suitable optimization models. The scientific background in energy system optimization models, the expertise acquired through the development and application of OSeMOSYS, an open source modelling system for long-run integrated assessment and energy planning, and the collocation within the modelling community through several modelling activities funded by EU, United Nations and World Bank justify the leading role in this task.
- WP3 “Module Development and Integration”: KTH will be in charge of the development and integration of the optimization module
- WP6 “Results Leveraging”: KTH will significantly contribute to the training regarding “Tool Use & Operational Data Collection”. Here, KTH will provide inputs based on the deep expertise in capacity building activities especially for national Governments. Finally, KTH will contribute to workshops and conferences. Here, KTH will build on the experience acquired through the creation of the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (as part of the REEEM project) and the organisation of its annual meetings.
For over 200 years, the Vienna University of Technology (German: Technische Universität Wien) has been conducting research, teaching and learning with a focus on ‘Technology for people’.
The Energy Economics Group (EEG) operates within the Institute of Energy Systems and Electric Drives at TU Wien and the research group “Heating/Cooling in Integrated Energy Systems” works in the field of heating/cooling and emphasises the sector’s role in an integrated, renewable, efficient energy system. Important applied methods include techno-economic assessment, simulation and optimisation models, GIS based modelling, mid- and long-term scenario development techniques and related energy policy analysis.
In the EMB3Rs project TU Wien will be in charge of defining the requirements and base specifications of the platform, including modules, data and scenarios, the “Core Functionalities Module” and the “Knowledge System”. Moreover, TU Wien will lead the development of the “GIS SubModule” and work on developing the dispatch model used in the techno-economic optimisation module.
The Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet/DTU) develops technology for people. Hans Christian Ørsted founded DTU in 1829 with a clear vision to develop and create value using science and engineering to benefit society. That vision lives on today. With our international elite research and study programmes, we are helping to create a better world and to solve the global challenges formulated in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. DTU is among Europe’s leading engineering institutions and is ranked as the best university in the Nordic region in “Reuters Top 100 World’s Most Innovative Universities” and “Leiden Ranking (impact – top 10%)”.
The Centre for Electric Power and Energy (CEE) is part of the Department of Electrical Engineering. It provides cutting-edge solutions for one of the major challenges of our modern society: the development of a reliable, cost-efficient and sustainable energy system based on renewable energy. CEE offers new technologies, knowledge, theory and methods within digital energy solutions, interconnected energy systems and optimised energy technologies.
CEE will participate in WP2, WP3 and WP4, by:
- WP2: Designing P2P market solutions to multi-product energy markets (heating, cooling and electricity) and proposing new business models based on P2P market solutions
- WP3: Supporting the consortium with the integration of CEE’s optimisation models into the decision-support platform
- WP4: Demonstrating P2P interactions through the residential neighbourhood of Nordhavn in Copenhagen.
DTU’s Energy System Analysis (ESA) group has more than three decades of experience in energy systems modelling and economic assessment of energy technologies, and particularly in modelling of renewable energy scenarios covering energy profile analytics and CO2 mitigation strategies.
DTU ESA team will have the following specific duties:
- WP2 –Contributing to the preliminary studies regarding the selection of the business models, and also being involved in the market definitions
- WP3 – Helping develop the Business Module;
- WP5 – Lead partner for defining the conditions for successful deployment of the EMB3Rs platform.
adelphi is a leading independent think tank and public policy consultancy based in Berlin. Our mission is to improve global governance through research, dialogue and consultation. We offer demand-driven, tailor-made services for sustainable development, helping governments, international organisations, businesses and non-profits design strategies for addressing global challenges.
Since 2001 we have successfully completed over 800 projects worldwide. Our work covers the following key areas: Climate, Energy, Resources, Green Economy, Sustainable Business, Green Finance, Peace and Security, International Cooperation and Urban Transformation.
With a team of about 30 staff dedicated to the field of energy, we are active in the core areas of renewable energies, energy efficiency and energy management, and have years of experience working with decision makers, businesses, organisations and financial institutions. Our services encompass consultancy on legislative, support and financing instruments, design and implementation of integrated concepts and programmes, technical consultancy, energy campaigns, as well as implementation of energy management systems.
Within the H2020 EMB3Rs project, adelphi leads the analysis of the case study results. The aim is to improve the platform’s scalability and the viability of its solutions. adelphi is also providing support to WP2 and WP3 with regard to heat recovery business models and to WP4 with regard to development of business plans. adelphi is also responsible for results exploitation and the data management plan, as EMB3Rs is taking part in the H2020 Open Research Data (ORD) pilot.
e-think is a start-up private non-profit research institution based in Vienna. Its aim is to advance research in the field of energy economics at its interface with environment and human society. Through technical, economic and environmental assessments e-think contributes to the transition towards sustainable energy systems.
e-think’s activities encompass (i) research in interdisciplinary cooperation, (ii) implementation and (iii) communication of research results. e-think is a spin-off of the Energy Economics Group of Vienna University of Technology and, thus, practices strong cooperation in energy economics and modelling. There is no legal link with Vienna University of Technology.
e-think will lead the definition of the technical requirements, specifications and validation protocols for the platform, its components and case-studies, and support the preliminary studies regarding the Business models in WP2. In WP4 it will support the modelling of the network, market structure and business model for the case-study dedicated to the heat-exchange within an industrial park. Furthermore e-think will support the definition of the most favorable conditions for the wide deployment of the industrial solutions proposed and of the platform itself in WP5.
INESC TEC is a private non-profit research institution, dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies. Bringing together academia, business and government, INSESC TEC typically applies the knowledge and results from its technology transfer projects, seeking value creation and immediate social relevance. It has six sites across Porto, Braga and Vila Real, and includes 13 R&D Centres. These centres are divided into four areas – Computer Science, Industry and Innovation, Networked Intelligent Systems, and Power and Energy. INESC TEC hosts over 700 researchers (about 350 PhDs).
For the EMB3Rs project, INESC TEC’s Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES) will provide its expertise in energy markets to help develop platform modules. These are related to innovative business models for exchanging excess heat and cold within energy communities.
More precisely, it will develop peer-to-peer (P2P) markets for heat and cold exchange at the industrial and residential levels. The main goal is to enable platform users to simulate new business models in this area. Thus, different technologies can be compared and assessed in different business models under distinct regulations, aiming to increase energy efficiency of the system and generate higher revenue and profit. Moreover, synergies between the heat/cold system and the power system will be developed for innovative market modules.
Within EMB3Rs project INESC TEC – through the Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES) – will leverage its expertise in energy markets to contribute to the development of platform modules related to innovative business models for exchanging excess heat and cold in an energy communities environment. More precisely, it will develop peer-to-peer (P2P) markets for heat and cold exchange at the industrial and residential levels. The main goal is to enable platform users to simulate new business models considering heat and cold recovery for industrial and residential consumption. Thus, different technologies for heat and cold recovery can be compared and assessed in different business models under distinct regulations, aiming to increase energy efficiency of the system and generate higher revenue and profit. Moreover, synergies between the heat/cold system and the power system will be considered, and therefore, innovative energy market modules may be developed.
PDMFC is an IT company with a strong presence in the world of Information Systems since 1993. It provides and implements state-of-the-art solutions (products and services), both in T&M (time and materials) and turnkey projects. PDMFC is the PDM Group holding, created in 2008, and composed of 14 subsidiaries – both in Portugal and abroad across different areas: IT, Telecommunications, Gaming, Marketing, Electronics, Finance Investments, Social Economy, among others.
Over the years, our main goal has been to innovate. Our participation in national and European projects such as Portugal 2020 and Horizon2020 has allowed us to enrich our offer with avant-garde solutions.
Every day, we help our customers by delivering high quality projects in areas such as Security, Information Governance, Cognitive, Digital Transformation, and Cloud. We rely on a highly skilled base of professional services, consulting teams and high-end software, as well as a solid implementation experience.
In the EMB3Rs project, PDMFC will ensure that the requirements and blueprints for module development and linking are in accordance with the structure of the platform, and lead the definition of user engagement strategies.
We will define and programme the API (application programming interface), GUI (graphical user interface) and text interfaces and Orchestration Framework of Common Platform Components, and its integration, improvement and validation. Additionally, we will develop the Core Functionalities, design and implement the Knowledge System and Processes Submodule ensuring the continuous integration of all the different modules.
PDMFC will also be responsible for the EMB3Rs user engagement strategy, by designing and implementing a gamification of the platform where users can explore various functionalities to achieve goals related with industrial heat/cold recovery and use.
CIMPOR-Indústria de Cimentos, SA (CIMPOR INDÚSTRIA) is a subsidiary of CIMPOR-CIMENTOS DE PORTUGAL, SGPS, S.A., a company which operates in the cement, ready-mixed concrete and aggregates business. In Portugal, it runs three cement integrated production plants in Alhandra, Loulé and Souselas, and a grinding and distribution centre located on the Azores islands. In Cape Verde, it runs a cement distribution centre.
As the biggest player in the Portuguese cement market, it is committed to stringent sustainability goals and to fulfilling its share of global responsibility to keep the temperature rise below 2ºC according to the Paris Agreement. CIMPOR INDÚSTRIA seeks to achieve the following goals to which the EMB3Rs project is expected to contribute:
- Increase the energy efficiency of their cement production plant, while reducing the energy bill;
- Increase the energy efficiency across all facilities where process excess heat could benefit the whole community;
- Find ways to reduce payback time of its technology projects focused on renewable energy sources such as thermal technologies and thus increase acceptance and meet internal sustainability and environmental goals.
Within the EMB3Rs project, CIMPOR INDÚSTRIA will lead the case study in the field of Process REII – Cement Production. This involves a holistic analysis of combined material and energy flows to identify opportunities for integrated resource efficiency improvements within a complex industrial production system. For this, process integration and pinch analysis tools will be used. CIMPOR INDÚSTRIA will provide process data and information from existing studies and process internal mass and heat balances to inform this study and to carry out some simulations.
The University of Warwick (UoW) will participate in this project via the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) academic department, founded in 1980. WMG works across seven research and education centres on the Warwick campus, with three more under development, delivering education programmes in seven countries, and collaborating globally on research and development. WMG are passionate about manufacturing, innovation and technology, making WMG one of the world’s leading education and research groups.
The UoW role in the project will be to lead the 3rd case study. This case involves the analysis of cost-effective options for the recovery and use of excess heat from a metal casting company in the UK. The company’s main interest is conversion of heat to electricity. However, a variety of scenarios will be tested, depending on the presence of compatible users within the vicinity of the plant. The case study will then lead to the development of the business plan which UoW will write with support from adelphi.
Lund University (LU), fully owned by the Swedish state, is ranked as one of the top 100 universities in the world. At LU, there are about 42,000 students and 7,680 employees. One of the largest faculties is the Faculty of Engineering (Lund Tekniska Hödskola LTH), where the Department of Energy Science resides. At LTH there is scope for brilliant research and inspiration for the creative development of technology, architecture and design. Over 1 000 researchers at LTH are working hard to create good living conditions for people and promote more careful use of the Earth’s resources. Every year LTH publishes about 100 theses and 1 700 research findings that pave the way for scientific discoveries and new innovations improving society.
Within LTH, the district heating (DH) research group at the department of Energy Sciences has conducted research on DH for more than 30 years. We have expertise in both, DH technology and market-related topics. Current research projects include COOL DH, a pioneering project on low temperature district heating which is funded by Horizon 2020, fault diagnosis of DH substations, prosumers (local heat generation) in DH networks, maintenance strategies for DH networks and studies of customers’ perspectives on DH price models, and policy-and-economy related aspects of DH.
The EMB3Rs platform will improve the knowledge on possibilities in integrating various industrial excess heat into district heating systems in Sweden, where the district heating market is highly mature. LU will apply the EMB3Rs tool for analysing excess heat potentials in different scenarios in collaboration with a Swedish energy supplier. Furthermore, the platform is expected to enrich teaching activities concerning district heating with new know-how and competences.
Climaespaço is owned by ENGIE Group, a world leader in DHC, operating more than 320 networks throughout the world. Through its participation in Trust Energy, ENGIE is the second-largest electricity producer in Portugal and one of the largest renewable energy operators in the country. The Group is also a leading player in the energy efficiency services market in Portugal.
Climaespaço is the company in charge of designing, building, financing and operating the District Heating and Cooling of Parque das Nações, in Lisbon. The system has been in operation since 1998 and currently produces and distributes heat and cold in the form of hot water and iced water to about 3.500 customers. These include some the most important city landmarks (e.g. Lisbon Oceanarium, Oriente Railway Station, Altice Arena, the Lisbon Exhibition Centre, Headquarters of Vodafone, IBM, Ageas and Microsoft, Lisbon Casino, Vasco da Gama Shopping Mall).
The company is also interested in screening opportunities for the development of new DHC systems based on waste heat, aligned with ENGIE Group’s ambition to lead the zero-carbon transition as a service.
For the EMB3Rs project, Climaespaço will lead the 4th case study. This is about defining the requirements for studying REII Waste heat supply to a residential & commercial DHC network. It will test the platform and respective modules.
Emerson is a diversified global manufacturing company that brings technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions to customers in the industrial, commercial and consumer markets through its Automation Solutions and Commercial and Residential business platforms. In Europe, Emerson employs over 15,000 people across 50 locations, with sales of about $3 billion. Emerson designs and manufactures long-life products for the industrial market that require service and maintenance for periods of over 30 years. At Emerson, they recognise that their ability to provide products and services that improve energy and resource efficiencies and reduce potential harm to the environment is key to the growth of their business.
Within the EMB3Rs project, Emerson consultants will conduct a base characterisation analysis as part of a case study with the cement company CIMPOR-Indústria de Cimentos in Portugal. In this case study, Emerson will conduct a holistic analysis of integrated material and energy flows to identify opportunities to improve resource efficiency. To do this, Emerson will use historical data on processes, energy and material balances; any available information on costs related with energy resources will also be analysed. This will serve as the basis for the quantification of excess heat/cold and will identify the main points of intervention, i.e. with the highest potential for combined material and energy efficiency improvements. This analysis considers the trade-offs and interconnections of the resources at different points in the material production chain (within the defined system boundaries and according to the methodology developed by Emerson and the University of Cambridge).
As the programme progresses, and as requested by the research team, Emerson is prepared to evaluate the software. They will make available a senior manager to coordinate the interface between Emerson and the EMB3Rs project, and will support the tool dissemination through seminars and workshops with our clients.
The CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND SAVING (CRES) is the National Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Saving (ES). CRES has been appointed as the national co-ordination Centre in its areas of activity by law. It is a public entity, supervised by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy and has financial and administrative independence.
CRES operates in two main activity fields:
- As the National Energy Centre, working on energy planning and policy for RES and ES and developing the necessary infrastructure to support the implementation of RES & ES investment projects.
- As a Research and Technological Centre for RES/RUE/ES, by developing applied research for the new energy technologies and by technically supporting the market for the penetration and the implementation of these technologies.
CRES has a dynamic presence in Greece and internationally, with innovative research results and a large number of contracts for the Greek Government, the European Commission and Governments of non-European countries, concerning the planning, evaluation and realization of energy investment projects. It has been on the cutting edge of Green International Development through projects.
CRES is in addition the main driving body in the realization of National Investment Programmes in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Saving (ES), making an essential contribution to the evaluation of investment proposals (with its participation in the work of the Intermediate Implementing Body of the Wind Power projects), the technical supervision of these projects and by providing information to investors and decisions makers for the development of RES/RUE/ES policy and investment programmes.
CRES co-operates with other institutes, organizations, universities, consultants, international organizations (such as the IEA, UNESCO, ISES, PLEA, IEC, CEN, etc), while it is an active member of various European and international networks, such as the EnR, MEDENER, EUFORES, EAWE, DYNASTEE, MEASNET, EUREC Agency, etc.
CRES will lead the case study focused in the heat exchange within an industrial park and thus provide the definition of the requirements. It will test the platform and respective modules and support the extended analysis on the proposed heat use solutions and the deployment conditions for the EMB3RS platform.
ADENE – Agência para Energia, is the National Energy Agency, an association of private law, non-profit and Public Utility, whose mission is to develop activities of public interest in the area of energy, efficient use of water and energy efficiency in mobility. ADENE is the managing body of several energy efficiency certifications and manages schemes assigned by national legislation, including the mandatory energy efficiency auditing scheme for industry (SGCIE).
ADENE will lead the case-study focused in testing the Overall Platform Functionalities in Super-User Mode. Thus ADENE will provide the definition of the requirements regarding the case-study, test the platform and respective modules and support the extended analysis on the proposed heat use solutions and the deployment conditions for the EMB3Rs platform.
The European Science Communication Institute (ESCI) is a not‐for‐profit organisation that empowers scientists and engineers, helping them to communicate to a non‐expert audience, thus bridging the gap between science, technology and society.
As a truly European organisation, ESCI draws on key contributors from across the continent. Their senior science communicators work in France, Belgium, the UK and Germany. The European Science Communication Institute also enjoys close ties with science communication specialists in almost every EU country, which enables it to deliver locally adapted solutions in different languages. The ESCI team has experience in web, social media, print, audio‐visual and direct 1:1 communication to accomplish a successful mix of communication and dissemination activities. This includes measuring impact and adjusting the approach where necessary.
ESCI believes that the success of a new heat/cold use simulation platform lies not only in the tool itself, but also in how target groups learn about it. For the EMB3Rs project, ESCI sees plenty of opportunities to use its creativity and expertise within a strong consortium for maximum leverage of the project’s potential.
ESCI will be in charge of leveraging the project’s results, liaising closely with the exploitation leader.