One day – two platforms. Experience the features of the innovative heat and cold matching platform EMB3Rs that links excess heat and cold energy sources with DHC networks and other sinks. Just add your sources and sinks to the map, fill in the required data such as the amount of heat e.g. and let the simulation run. The best solution for the re-use of your waste heat will be calculated. Prepared data sets will support you testing the platform, so all you need to bring along is your laptop.
With R-ACES joining this event you will also have the chance to test their Energy Management Platform (EMP). The EMP is an ICT-tool that makes energy flows transparent, allows energy consumption and production to be allocated to specific installations, stakeholders and nodes, and also identifies anomalies and opportunities.
The workshop will be held on 29 March 2023 from 10:00 – 17:00 CET. It will be highly interactive, with most of the time dedicated to hands-on experience.
After an initial presentation of the platforms, their philosophies, their components and their uses. The remainder of the morning session will be dedicated to illustrating how to use the EMB3Rs tool. The participants will have a chance to use an online version of one platform with their laptops and get an initial grasp of its features and potential. They will be guided in creating a simple case, with step-by-step instructions and pre-defined inputs.
After lunch, the second hands-on session will be dedicated to getting to know the R-ACES Energy Management Platform.
During the hands-on experience, the participants will interact with project partners in a Q&A and Try session, where they will have a chance to clarify doubts and investigate more functionalities.

The EMB3Rs (User-driven Energy-Matching & Business prospection tool for industrial Excess heat/cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution) project
16 companies and institutes from across Europe have joined forces as part of the EU-funded project EMB3Rs to add value to waste heat and help make better use of renewable energy sources. A novel tool, the ‘EMB3Rs Platform’, allows energy-intensive industries and other excess heat and cold sources to explore ways of reusing their excess thermal energy. This will improve their energy performance and contribute to a healthier future for everyone.
Users, like industries that produce excess heat and cold, provide essential parameters, such as their location and the available excess thermal energy. The EMB3Rs platform autonomously and intuitively assesses the feasibility of new business scenarios and identifies technical solutions for industry to reuse and sell the excess thermal energy. End users such as energy communities will be able to determine the costs and benefits of industrial excess heat utilisation routes and define the requirements for implementing the most promising solutions. Matching excess heat providers with end-users will enable win-win partnerships and offset GHG emissions in accordance with National Energy and Climate Plans.
R-ACES (FRamework for Actual Cooperation on Energy on Sites and Parks)
The vision of the R-ACES project is to support high-potential industrial parks and clusters to become ecoregions that reduce their CO2 emissions by at least 10%. This is done by establishing an energy cooperation for exchanging surplus energy, making extensive use of renewables, and bringing everything together with so-called smart energy management systems.
In order to achieve this purpose, R-ACES developed three practical tools to support the entire process of organising an ecoregion and the energy collaboration inside this region. The tools incorporate existing knowledge and conform to the needs of stakeholders in industrial clusters supporting them during the implementation of their energy collaboration project.
One of these tools is the Energy Management Platform (EMP). The EMP is an ICT-tool that makes energy flows transparent, allows energy consumption and production to be allocated to specific installations, stakeholders, and nodes, and also identifies anomalies and opportunities. When starting concrete energy cooperation projects, this analytical tool provides answers to three main questions:
1. How much energy is available?
2. When is this energy available?
3. Which parties are involved?
The R-ACES Energy Management Platform helps answering these questions as it is an online tool based on graphical dashboards. It can be used by any person of any technical background.
Hardware & software requirements
The platform performs best on Google Chrome or Firefox browsers.
For inquiries please get in touch with the organizer of the event, Shravan Kumar Kannan skpk(at)